+91 7799768696


We know how important it is to recruit the right people in the right places – and how much time that process can take. We believe in “Time is money in recruitment process" hence we make sure that all the positions are closed and placed within the desired time frame provided by the client with effective and efficient resources.

We follow 3Rs of Recruitment methodology i.e. through placing Right Talent at Right position in Right time. Recruitment process always interlinked with Resource, Placement and Time. If we don't connect all these criteria, the entire process is in vein and loss.

We support and serve all kinds of Recruitment Solutions to our clients across different business segments. We are specialized in RPO division with full set of database, networking, resource information required for all sets of skills in IT, ITES and Core supporting functions.

Our Recruitment Solutions covers at all levels of the Client Organization requirements. The services are to manage your hiring process from position information to On-boarding of the resource.


Our Recruitment service support covers


  • Full Time Employment Recruitment  [FTE]
  • Interim Staffing
  • Contract to Hire [C T H]
  • Campus Drives and Walk-inns
  • Contract Staffing [CS]
  • Onsite Interview Support
  • Project Staffing
  • Specialist Recruitment Drives


Our Process, approach and technique for each and every assignment is unique and tailor made as per demand of client requirement. We always stay connected to latest news, techniques and updates in the Market. We follow and apply all concepts to on-board the right talent to our client place.
